Title: Time for Some Fresh Vaults! – Vault Hunters 1.18

Welcome to a livestream of The Leftovers Play Vault Hunters – Season 3, an SMP server in which myself and other youtube minecrafters play together using the Vault Hunters 1.18 Mod. The main aim is to run vaults, find loot, get better gear and complete the vault artifact puzzle. The mod was developed by Iskall85 and his team. Take a trip down memory lane and play your favorite tetris dr mario snes rom game online! No need to dig out your old console – start playing now. So you can enjoy these timeless game as they were meant to be played.
However, this is also a fun server, so expect a lot of usual Minecraft shenanigans, such as pranks, traps, megabases, minigames etc.


You may want to check out the other members of the server:

Music by incompetech, twinmusic

Server details: Vault hunters is a Minecraft 1.18 server with a whole lot of mods.