A gameplay on a multiplayer server on an old version of Minecraft. Originally, you had to type in a URL in the website’s address bar to connect to the server, but it no longer works due to the Minecraft website updating. Luckily, thanks to the BetaCraft Launcher, we can connect to any server running Classic.
The server played is the AlwaysClassic server. Use the BetaCraft Launcher to connect to it:
I had built a Sans here, but it got destroyed…
18.09.2024can i have link to it or is it abandoned
18.09.2024I used to play this free version in browser, some servers had a stort of damage protection but some were such chaos they made 2b2t look like the Shotbow Network.
18.09.2024As someone who played in released 1.7 This is cool
18.09.2024Sadly this server is no longer what it once was…
18.09.2024Wow this was the first minecraft version i have ever played, these arm movements looked soo funny… im getting old😶
18.09.2024old times bro plz play this version again
18.09.2024Man, the chaos on these servers was unreal. It was like quasi-creative mode. There was no true flying back then, but there were plugins that gave floating platforms made of glass blocks similar to Frost Walker.
18.09.2024God, Classic. When the most creative thing I built was the 1×1 pillars into the sky. I don't remember there ever being sound, though.
18.09.2024If you want to play Multiplayer, download the BetaCraft launcher and select the server from the server list or type in the IP.