In this video, we show you exactly how to download and install the Badlion Client for Minecraft. Badlion is an anti-cheat PVP based client that gives you cool new additions to Minecraft like ArmorStatus, anti-invisibility, minimaps, and much, much more. If you want a great PVP Minecraft client that won’t get you banned on most servers, the Badlion client is perfect, so here is how to get the Badlion Client for Minecraft installed! Unlock the vault of Sega treasures with play roadrash online game.
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About this video: This video is our in-depth guide on how to download and install the Badlion client for Minecraft. Badlion is a modded Minecraft client that is based around PVP. It has a built-in anti-cheat that will actually ban hackers if they try to use hacks with their platform. It has Optifine built-in allowing you to get better FPS in Minecraft while also have a ton of mod customization. You can even turn things like the minimap, armor status, potion status, and much more from the in-game menu in order to help you get the most out of the Badlion client and the situation you are in. Thus, let’s go ahead and go over exactly how to download and install Badlion for Minecraft.
The first setup of getting the #Badlion Client is downloading it. You can find the official Badlion download link in the description above. Once you click that, it will take you to Badlion’s official website where you can click on the ‘Download’ button in the center of the page for the download to begin. You may have to save the file on Mozilla Firefox. You can do that in the center of your screen. It is 100% safe.
After you have Badlion downloaded, it is time to get it installed. To install Badlion for Minecraft, all you need to do is double click on the installation file you downloaded. This will open up the Badlion installer. Read and agree to the licensing agreement, and then, click ‘install’. At that point, the Badlion client will begin installing into Minecraft. Once it is done, click ‘Finish’, and the Badlion client will open up automatically. If it doesn’t, there is a Badlion shortcut on your desktop that you can double click.
The first time you install Badlion, the startup process will take a long time. Just let Badlion setup. Once it is finally open, you will need to create a Badlion account in order to play with the launcher. To do this, click the ‘Register Now’ button. Then, select your Minecraft account, enter your email, agree to their terms and privacy policy. Then, click register. You will then need to check your email to confirm it. When you do that, you will be able to setup your password and everything you need for your Badlion account. Once you have done that, go back to the Badlion client, enter your email and password, and login.
Once you login to the Badlion Client, you will be able to click on the ‘Play’ button at the top of it. This is where you can actually launch Minecraft. You can click the ‘settings’ button to add more RAM to the Badlion Client and change Minecraft’s resolution. From there, you can turn Optifine on and off, and you can choose which version of Minecraft you want to play. You can play 1.14.4, 1.12.2, 1.8.9, or 1.7.10 depending on the servers you are going to play with the Badlion client on. Once you have all of this selected, click ‘Launch’, and Minecraft will open up with all of the Badlion Client’s features up and running!
Congratulations! You now know how to download and install the Badlion Client for Minecraft! If you have any issues getting the Badlion Client, let us know in the comment section down below. If we did help you set up the Badlion Client, be sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you. It really helps us out and means a ton to me. Thank you very much in advance!
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